Lilting, she smoothes the furrows,
Time, undemanding
A caress from a different world
A world ageless and peerless
Shadows yawn ahead
Light made irrelevant
Water and land become one
The creases of her mind ironed out
Stillness all around
Silent breath of the mangroves
While all the while
Life teeming silently at her feet
Graveyards of the urban mind
Strewn with reckless remains
Of chaos and useless wrecks
And shells of human beings
And from those watery graves
She rises once again
Reinvents and rejuvenates
A new dawn in her supple heart
What must be rebuilt
Needs destruction first
Change and a new order
Will subsume the old
And she of the eternal
Giver of life, filter of the sun
Survivor and warrior,
Conqueror of time and age
She, the old, shall vanquish the new
She shall destroy her whole
And resurrect meaning
And purpose and being
With the lilting mesmeric flow
Comes a new dawn
This too is mine, she knows
All of this, every life here
Every root
Every hardy leaf
Every dancing shadow
Every grain of sand
Every drop of water
Every blue
Every brown
Every gray
Every green
Every red
Every yellow
Every wind
Every shore
Every silence
All mine…
And in that moment
She is born again.